My Supports

"No man is an Island," the saying goes. Therefore surrounding ourselves with family and friends for support and comfort in both times of joy and distress is very important. For me, the core of my support lies in the supportive relationship I have with my husband and children. They are a strong protective factor against those challenges of life we as humans encounter daily. My husband has been my source of inspiration, comfort, and well-being. He constantly strives to create an environment where the kids and I can strive and function optimally. Honestly, I wouldn't be in this program if it were not for him; he does not just push. He does whatever he can to get me going. His commitment is outstanding. I remembered there were difficult moments during my undergraduate, I felt like giving up. He would cheer me up and did whatever he could to get me to the finishing line. We are so connected that, to an outsider, we some fraternal twins; we are so interconnected that we do a...