Perspective on Diversity and Culture

My take away from the definitions of culture and diversity from the people I talked to. They all believe that customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group are linked to culture and diversity. As discussed in this class, culture encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how we wear it, our language, marriage, music, what we believe is right or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we greet visitors, and how we behave with loved ones. In other words, The world is filled with people who have different beliefs, religions, traditions, and ways of living. Yet, it is within our differences that we can find beauty. Both in educational and professional environments, cultural diversity benefits everyone. It paves the way to better problem-solving, more empathy and compassion, deepened learning and approaches the world from various perspectives. People also connect to their cultural or ethnic group through similar food patterns. Immi...