What A Class!

During the past weeks, I learned a lot from this class. I have been privileged to have access to resources and organizations I never thought existed. My "professional life" has indeed been enriched in a way that I lack a word to express. My colleagues have been phenomenal- Rose, Nicole, Amanda, and the rest of them. Each week, I always looked forward to reading their posts because there was something to glean from every one of them. The varied style of expression on the same topic, and the projection of new insight through the individual post was captivating. It is like fresh air to my soul. I often stayed late at night reading and digesting each post. Overall, I have received valuable information through the discussion post that is vital to my professional career as I journey on, setting me to a better ECE.
No man is an island when it comes to knowledge. As I learned new things from my colleague, I have also used the discussion room platform to share my twenty-two years of experience with them. Hoping they, in turn, would gain something vital and applicable to their professional development. 
I hope to meet with some of you in the next class. But for now, I wish you all the best as you soldier on in your professional endeavorI hope that we all continue to support the unparalleled value and dignity of each child and family. And hold dear to our heart the positional statement of NEAYC, by "ensuring that all children see themselves and their daily experiences, as well as the daily lives of others within and beyond their community, positively reflected in the design and implementation of pedagogy, curriculum, learning environment, interactions, and materials." We should always extol diversity by recognizing similarities and differences and present perspectives that see beauty and value across diversity.

All the best in the next class!


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