Relationship Reflection

Relationship Reflection

                   Family Friends {Chika-left, My Husband, Me(Lucy), and Chika's Husband-right}

                                     Me and my husband having fun at Niagra Fall, Toronto 


                                                                   Me and Husband

                                             My Family, My Life-Me, Husband, and my three kids         


                             Took my son's (Reh- far right) friends to Houston Food Bank for volunteering

Me and my Sunday School Students Voluntarying at  Houston Food Bank

                                         At the Funeral of my students' mom

                                                      Me and My room Parent

My family at my Graduation                                                                 


           As humans, the relationships we form with other people are vital to our mental and emotional wellbeing, and really, our survival. A positive relationship can be shared between any two people who love, support, encourage and help each other practically and emotionally. 

Humans have an inherent desire to be close to other people. To connect and build relationships. We as humans are inherently tuned by compulsion for company. This is because healthy relationships-romantic relationships, friendships, and familial relationships make for a healthier life overall. 

A positive relationship must have these core factors:

Communication: Communication plays a pivotal role in all types of relationships, whether personal or professional. Feelings must be expressed and reciprocated in relationships. Individuals need to communicate with each other effectively for better understanding. Staying mum leads to misunderstandings. Two people in love must interact with each other regularly through different types of communication. Staying connected is necessary for a positive relationship.

Honesty: Honesty in a relationship is like the balm of Gilead that binds a relationship and gives it the soothness for the long haul. Transparency is important in relationships. Being transparent within a relationship is about sharing our thoughts and feelings honestly, without fear of judgment or repercussion. It is not about telling the other person what our opinion of them is.

Compatibility For a relationship to be positive, there must be compatibility. Two individuals in a relationship must be compatible with each other. There should be no scope of conflicts and misunderstandings in a relationship. Individuals from similar backgrounds and similar goals in life do extremely well in relationships. People with different aims, attitudes, and thought processes find it difficult to adjust and hence fail to carry the relationship to the next level.

        The ingredients or relationships enabler vital to partnerships are

Commitment to the relationship-All relationships requires a certain degree of commitment. Commitment is a type of social contract that both parties accept. The main goal of commitment in relationships is for each party to feel secure and protected. Having a feeling of security in relationships helps in many ways, such as having a good self-concept and strong self-confidence. 

Openness to discuss issues- In a positive relationship, it is easy to discuss issues and resolve them with less acrimony openly.

        Social support is an important element of strong relationships and strong psychological health. Relationships play a critical role whether in times of crisis or our daily living.

Good relationships require management, effort, and attention, but the investment pays off in many ways. Having a positive relationship with family members, close friends, and colleagues is important for my mental and physical health. Research supports the idea that if we have strong, caring relationships with others, we are more likely to be healthy and live longer (Lumen, n.d.). Satisfying relationships with family and friends promotes career success. So the special bonds I have with others translate into what I do as early childhood professional. I connect easily with my students and their families and create an atmosphere of safety and happiness within my classroom where everyone feels they belong (Cherry, 2020).


Lumen. (n.d.). Relationships and Social Exchange

Cherry. (2020). How Social Support Contributes to Psychological Health


  1. Love all of your pictures (wish there was a way I could react to them, lol). Your post is also true a positive relationship must have communication and honesty can really go along way in a relationship. I've lost plenty of high school friendships because of dishonesty and they didn't want to talk about whatever the issue was. You hit the nail on the head with this one.

  2. I love that you emphasized the important pieces of what makes a positive relationship. You are spot on that these are "ingredients" for successful and healthy partnerships :) Thanks for sharing, love your pics!

  3. What wonderful pictures and a beautiful family you have Lucy. I love reading your blog posts and discussion board posts. They gives me insight and more to think about. I agree that compatibility is a huge part of a relationships. The friends I have made in life have changed over the years do to incompatible attitudes, life paths and lack of new shared interests.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for sharing!!! I agree, " Social support is an important element of strong relationships and strong psychological health. Relationships play a critical role whether in times of crisis or our daily living." Honesty is an important characteristic.


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